Sunday, February 10, 2008

Touch and Go!

Dad is struggling again. He has had a fever today of about 101. When he gets sick like this he doesn't have the strength to get up. He is slowing down and having a difficult time with walking. His energy is not was it was a few months ago. He has a strong desire to keep going. He gets along as best he can. He tries to do whatever he can for himself. He seems a lot more grateful than he was a few months ago. He now realizes that he needs the help and is glad to have it. Delila came by this week which brightened up his day. Annette called and talked to him for a few minutes. This is all very helpful and makes his boring days a little more bearable. The weather is getting better. If it warms up we will try to take him out more. That is about it for now.

1 comment:

Annie said...

Just so you know I am also going to be coming down the same weekend as Winston. (Feb 29th) Justin's wife, Jessica, has a sister getting married Mar. 1st and I am catching a ride with them. Should arrive on Thursday and returning home on Monday. I also need to visit Gary's Aunt. She is out of the hospital and in a nursing home in Brigham City.